The globally rare Kentucky Lady Slipper Orchids In Cabin Swamp at Hickory Hollow
Please join the Northern Neck Chapter of the VNPS for an informal field trip to Hickory Hollow Natural Area Preserve in lieu of our May Meeting on May 16th at 1:00pm. We will meet in the parking lot on Regina Rd, Lancaster; parking is limited so carpooling is recommended. Hickory Hollow's 254 acres of mixed pine-hardwood forest, ravines and Cabin Swamp form an important habitat for migratory songbirds, wild turkey, and several rare plants. Cabin Swamp is an exceptional quality wetland community that supports a very high diversity of plants including several mountain disjuncts. It is a globally rare Coastal Plain Basic Seepage. See Hickory Hollow Natural Area Preserve (
The first part of the trail is level but we will be descending down a rather steep and narrow trail to Cabin Swamp. Wear sturdy walking shoes and dress for the field with insect repellent, etc. The rare Kentucky Lady’s Slipper, Cypripedium kentuckiense is in bloom! A preview of some of the other fabulous plants that should be blooming and flaunting their glory include the rare Kentucky Lady Slipper Orchid, Purple Twayblade Orchid, the Mountain Disjunct Green False Hellebore, Solomon’s Seal, Wild Ginger, diminutive Pennywort, Primrose-leaved Violet, Lyre- leaf Sage and statuesque swamp ferns like Cinnamon, Royal ferns that can reach up to 4 or 5’ tall in rich moist soils.
So, we can get an approximate count of people potentially coming, please send an email to to say you plan on coming – guests are welcome!
False Green Hellebore – HH hosts the largest colony in the Coastal Plain of the N.A. (photos by B. Washington)