Denise Greene, noted landscape designer and former owner of the native plant nursery, Sassafras Farms, will be our speaker at Lancaster Community Library at noon on Thursday, March 21th . She will be sharing her firsthand experience of the different ways we can incorporate native plants into our landscapes. Focusing on our area, she will discuss the planting conditions and challenges we most often face and showcase native trees, shrubs and perennials that will thrive and benefit ourselves and wildlife. This talk is sure to inspire you as you plan for your spring gardens. Free and open to all.
As owner of Sassafras Farm Nursery Denise grew over 150 species of perennials native to the Eastern US. Now partly retired to the Northern Neck, Denise has continued to offer landscape design and consultation services specializing in using natives to create low maintenance, wildlife friendly gardens under her new business, Huckleberry Design. Past projects of note include the visitor centers for Westmoreland and Belle Isle State Parks as well as a National Wildlife Federation funded Certified Wildlife Habitat at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA among many others. Denise is a certified member of the VA Society of Landscape Designers and a certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional.
Denise Greene and her pup Belcross
Denise installing the gardens at the Westmoreland Visitors Center