Dr. Shawn Dash, Hampton University. Photo by Shawn Dash
On Tuesday, March 9th, the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists will present a Free Program at 7:30 pm entitled … 50 Shades of Pollination
The Chapter is heading into the growing season with a virtual meeting on the timely topic of pollination. Dr. Shawn Dash, an entomologist with Hampton University, will be presenting his “Fifty Shades of Pollination”.
Dr. Dash will lead us into the species interactions with focus on the mutualistic relationships of pollination. “This talk will provide a context to the biodiversity of some local pollinators, said, Kevin Howe, Board member of NNMN Chapter. “Through engaging discussion of these interactions, he is sure to provide us with a new and deeper understanding of relationships that are around us.
This presentation is free and open to the public. This Zoom meeting can be seen from the comfort of your home via computer, tablet device or smart phone. “This presentation is our second Virtual program for the Chapter,” and we are very excited to have these continue on various topics about our nature”, said Porter Washington, Vice President of the Chapter.
For more information, instructions and to register for this free virtual presentation, contact NNMN President, Camille Grabb at nnmnpresident@gmail.com.
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