For the second year in a row, our chapter conducted a successful plant sale at the St. Stephen’s Strawberry Festival held in Heathsville on May 25. The Festival is one of the largest community events in the Northern Neck.
Read MoreThe following native plant oriented editorials are from the Richmond Times Dispatch. The first one is by RTD opinions editor, Pamela Stallsmith, and the second one is a response to Pamela by our own NNNPS President, Ted Munns.
Read MoreA stalwart group joined me for a trip to Norfolk Botanical Gardens (NBG) on Thursday February 21st despite a sequence of rainy dark days with the forecast for more of the same.
Read MoreThe first major upgrade since the App was released a year ago at the Tri-State Native Plant Conference is now available.
Read MoreIn late afternoon of Thursday, August 30, 2018, Beth Kendrick and I planted a Goldenclub in the pond off the 12th hole at ICYCC. Goldenclub [Orontium aquaticum] is one of the Northern Neck’s quirky native plants that in my travels, I have not seen growing.
Read MoreAmerican Beauty-berry is a favorite native with it shiny bright berries in the fall that provide good food for warblers and other migrating songbirds. Photo by Betsy Washington.
The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNNPS) will host its annual native plant sale from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, September 8 at Wicomico Parish Church (Episcopal) on Rte 200 in Wicomico Church.
Read MorePhotos from the NNNPS Hickory Hollow Field Trip on Thursday, April 19,2018.
Read MoreNNNPS had a table at the NAPS Earth Day event during the Heathsville Farmer's Market on April 21, 2018. Here are some Photos of the day taken by Betsy Washington.
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